
Panel Discussion on the Topic African Refugees Deportation in Israel Topic at the Herzliya conference, May 10th, 2018

Elyakim Rubenstein  Former  Supreme Court Judge. Panel Discussion on the Topic African Refugees Deportation in Israel

May 10th, 2018

This was a show done on Ynet digital website on 22 March 2018. Which deals with many different aspects of the deportation issue, with experts on the various fields being interviewed by a top news correspondent for Yediot, attila somfalvi. While the show went on for over two hours, we have broken each topic into a separate segment and have had it translated into English.

Full interview

 Part 1

 Part 1 Arabic Subtitle

 Part 2

Part 3 

Part 4

Part 5

Yikealo Beyene (Graduate of IDC Herzliya) and Joey Low (Jewish philanthropist) started the campaign against Israel refugees deportation.

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