ASO: 6 Years Of Higher Education Experience
Run by Asylum Seekers for Asylum Seekers
Mission ________________________________
ASO seeks to correct misconceptions of Israeli society about African asylum seekers by promoting understanding and cooperation between Israeli citizens and African asylum seekers through education programs and exchanges.
Vision _________________________
ASO aims to empower the African asylum-seeking community in Israel by helping them realize their educational and career dreams and become change ambassadors in their communities.
Students In 2017
Current Students
BA and MA Graduates
Teen mentor project
we will help you achieve your dreams
Teen Mentor Project (TMP) aspires to remedy school failure, close information gaps, and strengthen academic and vocational skills for currently eighteen students in the African refugee community. The participating students’ academic levels range from grades nine to recent high school graduates. We boost knowledge, skills, and accomplishments in our students using culturally relevant curricula, computers, and suitable learning materials.
TMP helps them develop competencies in English, math, and science while practicing listening, speaking, and socializing skills. Those who want to earn degrees and certificates while learning about vocational and higher education program opportunities can receive training to meet criteria and admission requirements, learn to identify employment opportunities, develop skills in finding and applying for work, and practice proper communication and social skills with access to ASO’s workspace and mentors.